


In most service companies where open ERP has been integrated, service sheets, or timesheets, have revolutionized management practices. These service sheets are produced by each employee as they work on the different cases or projects that are running. Each of these is represented by an analytic account in the system.

Do not confuse timesheets and attendance compliance

The timesheet system is not intended to be a disguised attendance form. There is no control over the service times and the employee is free to encode 8 or 9 hours or more of services each day if they want.

If you decide to put such a system into place, it is important to clarify this point with your staff. The objective here is not to control hours, because the employees decide for themselves what they will be entering – but to track the tasks running and the allocation of costs between them is the responsibility of the management.

Now goes to the attendances module,

The employee arrives at the company at 9'o clock. He opens the Seedor Attendances module and he click the check in button. Once he click the button it shows the Check in time and he can do all his work at the end of day he needs to check out So that he comes to the Attendances module then click the Checkout button.

Here, A text will be shown Face Recognition ON, This feature allows you to attendance you with your face.


Attendance Regularization is an option given to employees to raise a request and rectify their incorrect attendance entries. If the Employee wants to give the Attendance Regularization click the menu named Attendance Regularization button, then he need to click the Create button

Here all the details need to be filled to create a Attendance Request

Now let's consider the Attendance Manager he needs to view all the attendance details in the single view for that in our attendance module we have a menu called Manager

In the manager menu there are 4 sub menus are given, Attendances Once the manager clicks the menu he can able to view the Attendance of all the employee

Employees By using the employee sub menu he can view the employee page with the dots, Red dots shows absence and green shows the employee present for the particular day.

Kisok Mode

The Kiosk mode can be accessed by clicking on the Kiosk Mode tab available in the Attendances module. When you click on the Kiosk Mode button, you will direct into the following new window to view two options: SCAN YOUR BADGE and IDENTIFY MANUALLY. The SCAN YOUR BADGE is the option for scanning your badges.

When you click the Identify Manually it redirects you to the employee page and by clicking the employee it shows the Check in check out window.

In Seedor Attendance Module we have a Biometric Manager menu

Here, we can configure a biometric device for finger print or iris scan.

For that go to Device Configuration, Click the create button

And give all the machine details to configure the Device.

Under the Attendance Log we can see all the attendances through the Biometric devices

By using the Reporting menu we can see all the Attendance details